Types Of Eating Disorders And Their Remedies
Food is a necessity to every individual. We cannot survive in this world without eating. Although there are people that have different disorders. The an eating disorder can be because one is making it happen or it is just happening. There are different types of eating and feeding disorders that affect people in different ways.
Among the disorder is the pica eating disorder. People that are suffering from this condition eat substances that are valueless to the body. these people eat substances such as the hair, nails and other items that are not food. This disorder is mostly among people that are undergoing a psychological problem or a developmental disorder. Rumenaration eating disorder is the second class of feeding disorder. This is whereby a person re chews food that has already been chewed again and again. The disorder can start any time in the life of human beings. The person that is suffering from the disorder often isolate themselves from social gathering so that people may not realize. Behavior treatment therapy is among the treatments that can be used to remedy the problem. Selective eating disorder is the third type of eating disorder. These people lose interest in some foods. There are various characteristics of the condition. People may be afraid of taking certain foods because they are not sure whether the foods will hurt them Another reason is that people show signs and symptoms of weight loss. The person may show phobic reactions to the foods if forced to take the foods by vomiting and many more. The eating disorder is more significant in children, these people do not like to eat foods that they are not conversant with.
One of the disorder that is widespread among people is the anorexia nervosa. One tries to stop themselves from taking foods that do not contain calories. Majority of people with these condition are slim. These people do want to gain weight. One engages in exercises that ensures that they shade more weight. These people have a problem of seeing themselves bigger than they actually are, even when they are small. People suffering from anorexia nervosa may show medical symptoms of anorexia such as loss of menses, loss of hair, nails and many more.
Bulimia nervosa is a eating disorder where one overeats food at one time. The person also has a weakness of trying to get rid of the food out of the system such as purging to avoid weight gain. The last group is the Binge eating disorder consumes a lot of food unnecessarily even without being hungry. People in this category are characterized by being overweight. Studies prove that most of the people that are in these group are people that have previously suffered psychological disorders.