What you should know about Drug Possession Laws
It is important to understand that there are a variety of drugs out there. In addition some of these drugs are not legal while other can be easily acquired and freely used. Read ahead to know all about drug possession laws.
First one needs to understand that different states have different laws about drugs. You should also know that for controlled drugs the consequences will be different to those allowed in the state freely. One should however acknowledge the fact that one drug can be legal in a certain state and yet illegal in another state. Take an example of marijuana which is illegal in many countries and states while others only allow it when a doctor's prescription is given and in other states it's allowed for recreational purposes. Using one drug in a certain state might be illegal in another state hence ensure you are aware of these possession laws before crossing the border.
In addition are you aware of the charges you are likely to face if arrested with possession of drug charges in a certain state? One might find themselves facing less punitive charges in one state and in the next they are given heavy charges and consenquences. It is a lesser charge to be found in possession of controlled substances as compared to distributing and sale for some countries. Hence as you move from state to state ensure you are aware of their laws relating to possession of drugs. Hence it will not be a surprise if arrested for possession.
However when one has motive to supply or distribute drugs the consequences are far different. Not surprisingly, the charges in this scenario will not be easily swayed even on community service and fines. Some provisions might be denied and heavy measures laid down on you. Some of the likely measures will be facing ail time and having a record taken which might affect your future ob seeking chances. It in most cases does not matter which controlled drug you take the measures taken are the same. Therefore if you must distribute drugs ensure it is in line with the law.
In the event you are arrested with drugs it is important that you keep in mind you can always stay silent. Keep in mind that trying to prove your innocence to the police might not result well rather wait until you talk to your lawyer. You should rather fully cooperate with the authorities and accept arrest until you can talk to your lawyer. Your lawyer will seek vital information from you to help with your case. Thus, from this he will be able to plan for your defense.