Reasons to Wear Flip Flops and Shopping Tips
With several options of materials, colors, treads and everything else, flip-flops are certainly a favorite every summer summer. But aside from what's obvious - flip flops help diffuse the heat! - why do we naturally gravitate towards this lowly but never-to-be-underestimated footwear?
Joys of Being Free
For starters, flip-flops are so free and easy. Just by sliding your foot in, you're ready to go - no socks, laces or buckles needed. While other areas of your life may seem tough and full of responsibilities, flip-flops evoke a sense of happy-go-lucky ease.
Northwestern University researchers recently coined the term "enclothed cognition," referring to the orderly effect that clothing causes on a person's psyche. Their inquiry demonstrated that subjects did better on particular attention tasks while, say, donning a lab gown. Wearing flip-flops somehow tells you it's time for some fun. In particular, flip-flops conjure holidays in exotic locations?no matter if you only wear yours for running some errands. These exceptionally packable sandals are nothing short of your ultimate getaway foot gear. Envisioning yourself in a beautiful tropical beach, enjoying that distinct smell of salt on the breeze and getting kissed by the sun can be soothing when you need a respite from your busy day-to-day life. So can the kinesthetic joys of walking nearly barefoot in just your beach-perfect flip-flops.
Flip-flops may have a minimalist, unassuming nature, but you wouldn't call them shrinking violets. To the contrary, every step you make with them is an announcement, and that slapping sound is undoubtedly satisfying in a way. Wearing flip-flops makes us feel that we need not tiptoe around others. And such sandals are available in quite a spectrum of vibrant colors and are reasonably priced enough to have tons of pairs to suit your tons of moods. Of course, flip-flops couldn't be a better frame for your brilliant pedicure. They are always a safe way to proclaim your individuality, fashion sense or youthfulness.
Good Size, Great Fit
Finally, flip flops are not all made equal, and there are some things you should take into account before you purchase a pair. But everything can only boil down to size and fit. Your foot must sit fair and square on the sole of the footwear, which simply means zero spillover, whether around your toes or your heel. And take note that simply because you find a certain shoe size for a particular brand comfy enough doesn't mean the same size will be as comfy for your favorite flip-flop brand. If you're in doubt, your safest bet is to get something half a size bigger than your usual shoe size.