Information about Controlled Airspace
To know more about controlled air space, you need to know the meaning of the term controlled airspace. A lot of airspace classification and definition of dimensions are some of the things that controlled airspace refers to in terms of it its definition. Air traffic control service is facilitated by airspace classification that is the main body that deals with the controlled airspace. Class A, class B, class C and class D and class E are some of the many things that you can get in controlled airspace. There is a lot of difference that you can get in each of the classes that are in controlled airspace. In class A, it means that the airspace is from the height of eighteen thousand feet mean sea level to the flight level that is included at six hundred feet. Class A airspace includes the underlying airspace that is twelve nautical miles from the cost hence another thing that you need to know about class A controlled airspace. All the activities that take part in class A controlled airspace it is conducted by instrument flight.
In class B controlled airspace, you get to have airspace from the surface up to ten thousand feet mean sea level. One of the busiest airports that you can get is found in class B airspace when it comes to passenger enplanement and operation. Individually tailored airspace, two layers and surface area are some of the characteristics of class B controlled airspace. The good thing about class B airspace is that it is made to have one of the best instrument procedure during the landing of the aircraft. From the air traffic control service, you get to have clearance and separation services to any operation in Class B airspace.
The airspace that is four thousand feet mean sea level from the surface and above the airport elevation is called class C. Class C airspace include the airport operation control tower, some instrument flight rules, and radar approach controls. The area of class C airspace contain five nautical miles radius although it is tailored. You need to do one of the most important thing that is a two way communication with the air traffic control service when you want to use a class C airspace.
From the surface to two thousand five hundred feet mean sea level, you get to have a class D airspace. The only thing that can happen for you to have class D airspace individually tailored is to make the instrument procedure to be published. In class D controlled airspace; you get to have an arrival extension for any approaching instrument hence you need to learn about it.