Tips for Best Alligator Hunting
Hunting for alligator is much different on what the hunter normally does. Halfway between that of a dogfight and fishing, hunting for a gator success is actually related more to the proper technique and equipment than to be a brute force. In fact, there is a use of firearms when going behind the gators.
Thus, if you had never hunted for the alligator before, then you need on consider on hiring first the experienced guide to be able to support you, otherwise there will be risk not only for the sever injury but you will end up dead.
Guides is properly equipped with the gators hunting and apparels, but you might not actually have your own gadgets, thus you ask them where to purchase and what to purchase.
Once that you received the proper training regarding the basics of safety when hunting for gator, it will be the best time to find one; usually by night time and using that of a boat.
The gator's eye would tend to glow in the dark of the night; thus, you will be able to easily spot them in the water surface with the spot light trying to locate those gators. Once that you already find one then something that can take several hours, depending on the area you are actually hunting- it is time to be able to attract this huge predator towards you since if you are going to get close to the animal by yourself, it will disappear right beneath the water and you will not see it anymore. Therefore, if the gator is found, it is not the best time to use hooks and lures; same as fishing but a more complex one since you will not be able to raise the gator with the use of the hook alone. Furthermore, you do not wish to do it since it is very dangerous too.
The hook will actually set as the temporary like only that will allow you to be able to get much closer without losing the gator because it will not be possible for it to dive; so you will have the chance now to be able to get close with that of your boat and then proceed with the main weapon which is the harpoon.
The harpoon can have a strong restraining line can be used as the main weapon to hunt and catch the gator. This is 6 feet long and you use this one in the soft tissue off the gator, avoiding its back and the shield.
Once that the restraining line is being set with that of the harpoon, then it is best to fight the alligator in order to exhaust it and to be able to do the final hit. After some time, the gator will then start to lose its strength and you can now put your boat aside so you can use the
Once the restraining line is set with the harpoon, it's time to fight the alligator in order to exhaust it and be able to do the final hit. After the gator will lose its strength, you can now start to put your boat aside and use the bangstick.
This bangstick is much safer to use and easier than the handgun. Make sure you have this one in your boat to be used or shoot behind the head of the gator that can kill the gator for sure. But you need to be cautious too since the gator might still be alive.