Short Course on – What You Should Know

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Christian are those who believe in Jesus Christ. They believe that Jesus died, resurrected on the third day, and ascended to heaven and will come back to take the righteous people before the end comes. Christians have the bible as their guide, and all theta they believe in has been recorded in that book. Christians also believe that inspired men wrote the Scripture of God, and therefore, anything in the book is accurate because it is coming for God almighty. One of the things discussed in the bible, which the Christians strongly believe is the second coming of Jesus Christ. According to the bible, Jesus will come back to the World for the second time to take his church. This article, therefore, discusses some things that one should know about the second coming of Jesus Christ.

The first thing every Christian should know is that before the second coming of Jesus Christ, the gospel will be preached to all the corners of the World. The records in many books that Jesus will not come unless the good news about him and his second coming are preached to everyone in the World, the gospels will be preached to all the corners of the World. The bible records this to show that all people in the world will hear about Jesus Christ and decide whether to accept him or not before he comes to the World for the second time. The second coming will be a judgment for the righteous and the sinners. So, the gospel will have to reach everyone so that during the judgment, no one will see he or she never heard about Jesus Christ and the second coming.

The second thing that Christians should know is that Jesus will come like a thief. The phrase "like a thief" means that no one knows the specific time Jesus will come back to the World. Even Jesus himself does not know the time he will come back to the World, but only God the Father does; this is evidenced in the gospel of St. Luke when Jesus said that "no one knows the time, not even the son." The words of Jesus support that statement that he will come like a thief, at an hour that no one knows. And Christians are urged to prepare for the second coming of Jesus for the time is not known.

The other thing that Christians should know is that even though the time of Jesus' second coming is not known, the signs that his second coming is near are known. Before ascending to heaven, Jesus told his disciples about the signs and happenings that they should watch to know that he is about to come back. This is recorded clearly in various books in the bible. Even though no one knows the time and hour, Jesus will come back, but this happens, which shows that his second coming is near is known. Jesus said, "when you hear of the wars and rumors of wars, persecution for those who believed in me, know the time is near."

These are some of the things that people should know about the second coming of Jesus Christ.

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