Reasons Grass-fed Beef is Popular Today
Always consider the quality of the beef when buying from meat from your supplier. Most health-conscious consumers love grass-fed beef labels. However, to choose the best burgers, jerky and steaks, you need to understand what you are buying. The meat is leaner than its conventional counterpart. The beef is rich in vital nutrients like antioxidant vitamins and beneficial fats that improve immunity and has anti-inflammatory benefits.
Grass-fed beef has 50{33106c3b400895d2b7aaa6a25acbc9ced29d72400c567cf1fa0aebeb674ff583} higher omega-3 fatty acids which are less likely to have antibiotics resistant bacteria making it superior. The difference in the kind of diet cattle eat changes the nutrients and fat content. The animals mainly eat grass and other foraged foods. Eating grass-fed beef has many health benefits like consuming less fat and having more antioxidant vitamins, which leads to a healthy heart rate.
You will see a noticeable difference by just looking at the grass-fed beef and the grain-fed beef. Grain-fed meat has fat marbling which makes it lighter while the grass-fed beef is darker. Feeding the cattle grains before being slaughtered will add fat and pounds at a faster rate which gives the beef a richer taste. Choose beef that has low calories as it is more nutritious and healthier.
The desire to eat grass-fed beef has grown in momentum and has made the meat equally pricey. As consumers prefer buying grass-fed beef, so does the market change, which means there is more grass-fed beef getting in your butcher shop than before. The high price of the beef is dependent on the low calories in the meat, which is what people want among other associated health benefits. Feeding the cattle with grains alone only increases their bulkiness and lowers their cost per pound.
Check with your local butcher to find out which type of beef they are stocking up which can be either organic or grain-fed beef. Consumers can opt for the best beef they can afford, but it is good to go for the healthy kind. The health benefits you enjoy from grass-fed beef over grain fed beef is what makes a great difference. People want to live healthily and it starts by watching what you eat and regulate the dangerous fats and bacteria that goes into your body.
It is advisable that you make a switch to grass-fed beef if you want to stay healthy and avoid consuming dangerous fats and bacteria. You can improve your diet by taking your grass-fed beef with healthy starch like sweet potatoes or the black beans, among other options. Ensure you eat your beef in moderation to ensure that you are not overindulging which can be dangerous to your health. Since eating contaminated meat is dangerous for you and your family, take time to ascertain that you buy from reputable meat suppliers only.