How to Select a Scuba Dive Instructor
Scuba diving is a fairly costly hobby. Virtually all dive instructors claim they stand out but when it comes to realism, this cannot be true. This means that you have to go beyond the promises dive instructors do give in their adverts to choose one who suits you the most. It is known for a fact that less-expensive dive instructors are not worth considering because they may not have the right training and/or equipment needed for scuba diving. You should also avoid dive instructors who train a crowd of students because they are not going to give you individual attention to identify the areas you are good or poor in. On the other hand, some dive instructors in small centers could be limited in regard to resources. Thus, there are several things you have to be keen on. However, how do you make certain that your selection has a brilliant safety history? It is hard for a novice to know which parameters matter and even an amateur diver might strain to get the real facts until it is too late. There are some elements divers or potential divers ought to know before they settle for any dive instructor.
Safety is one of the parameters you should be keen on when selecting a dive instructor. What type of equipment does this dive instructor have? Where do they store the equipment? Who operates the equipment and where are they going to be during the dive? Does this dive instructor have any connection with a nurse or doctor? How close is the most adjacent chamber and how does this dive instructor counsel divers on this? Does he or she have in place a good emergency plan?
Professionalism and service are other elements you have to factor in your selection. Divers must look at how many employees a dive instructor has and how well educated they are. Trainees are likely better positioned to ask queries about the instructor this dive instructor assigns to them. Are there other people who have been certified by this dive instructor and how many are they? An answer beyond 20 would be a good one but anything above 30 is perfect. Are their documentations on view? How accessible are the instructors to queries and how transparent and adequate are their responses? Does the dive instructor's staff speak the same language as you? If not, have they made any effort to ensure comprehension?
Is the owner of the dive instruction center actively involved in its operations or is there a manager? Is this dive instructor known for giving what they promise? If you're an eager log-booker and plummet stamp collector, is there one accessible for you after you dive of you'll be disappointed? How much attention does the dive instructor give to this type of detail? For how many years has this dive instructor been training? Are they affiliated with the best associations? Also, consider the gear. Is it neat and in good working order? Does it seem old and old-fashioned? Are things smelling and leaking? Does the boat function efficiently and is it clean and neat?