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Importance of Respect and Values

It is crucial that all people get to learn the importance of respect and other life values. They help us to cope with others well and reduce bad blood between them. Respect is in many areas like at home, at work even as you walk along the streets and interact with that homeless person. It is important that you respect them the same way you do to that person that you feel deserves the most respect. You should also respect other peoples' personal space and learn to back up when asked to. Life values have been taught from when you were young and that shows the importance. You should be able to teach that to the young generation not only by saying it but by being a leading example. Imagine a world with people that only have the right moral values, it would be so amazing. Below are some of the importance of life values.

First, it helps us live happily and positively. If you are surrounded by people who have the right values, you would note the difference. There would be a very positive atmosphere whereby you will be able to interact easily with each other. There will be a reduced misunderstanding because everyone is careful with what they do. This is not the case when it comes to real life. There are always people in the works at your home area that always cause problems. It is important to learn how to handle such situations too. You will realize that you are leading a happier life.

Secondly, values guide our actions. If the right values were instilled in you as a young boy or girl the chances are you have been able to maintain high standards. This is because you make better decisions compared to a person that was not taught about the importance of values. There are many places that these values are taught but before taking your child to a church or counseling, it is your role to ensure that you have shown them the right way. Decision making goes all the way to our workplaces, you need to ensure that we observe integrity. This is important especially if you are in charge of money or important information that should not be leaked out and even customer confidentiality.

Lastly, it is the key to leadership. If you want to be an influencer it starts by you doing the right thing. If you are to lead a group, you need to have the right values because you would not do a good job if you do not have the right values. It is therefore important for you to maintain high moral standards and when you are given a chance to lead other people to ensure that you do it in the right way. If you do not have the right moral values, there will be abuse of power and other things might go wrong. Values are very important in our lives and it is our duty to ensure that we observe them.

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