Lessons Learned from Years with

Stories That Can Help You to Find Meaning in Every Circumstance

Life is unpredictable. The moment things were looking positive, life can change all of a sudden and things can those things will become a mess. Also, when things were looking negative it changes and become thrilling. Since things are like that in life, then your joy and happiness should not depend on materials and circumstances. The Bible says "?I know how to live on almost nothing or everything, I have learned the secret of living in every situation..." This shows that you can find joy and happiness despite your circumstances and problems. One of the ways that can inspire your courage is to read the stories of other people. In your country and across the world, there many people who have experienced the same lifestyle and hardships and blessings that you had, are and will experience too. If you read those people's stories, then you will draw lessons that will help you to pass through that particular circumstance which you are going through and then remain faithful and victories to the and. Some people's weaknesses will be exposed when they are facing hardship. And for others, their weakness will be exposed when they will be living the best in lives.

In hardship, you need to be enduring and patient. Patience will lead you to victory in times of distresses. Naturally, people have different endurance capacities. There are those that can endure small circumstances but not the complex and most tedious circumstances. On the other hand, there are other people who have great endurance capacity and who are strong enough to endure all sorts of distresses be it emotional, physical, and psychological. Some people would suggest that endurance or patience cannot grow. That if your endurance is small then that is how it shall remain. And if it is great then it will remain that way. But the truth is that you can grow your patience from small to great. One of the ways to grow it is to read other people's stories. Humans tend to think that; their situation is the most complicated and tedious. But if you open your eyes to the world, you will realize that there are many other folks and families and companies whose situations are far more complicated than yours. The most amazing thing is that people in those circumstances managed to find joy and remained happy. Not only bad or unfortunate circumstances but the positive ones. When things are all running well, some people will tend to forget who are they are and the far they have come. This is not good too because it can lead to complacency and overestimating oneself. This could damage your reputation and then people could withdraw their trust in you. Thus, you need to remain humble and considerate when you are living your best seasons in life. All these and many more are the lessons you will learn from other people's life stories. If you want to read them, you can turn to the internet. Otherwise, you can consider buying different biography books that you consider to be mentors and role models.

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