What You Need To Know About Technical And Vocational Education And Training For Teens And Adolescents
The world is fast changing in many aspects. This requires individuals to respond to these changes in a way that will favor their survival. For instance, gone are the days when people sort after careers like accounting and banking. People today no longer find satisfaction in being equipped for just a single career path. If therefore, you consider yourself too old to learn multiple things, you may want to encourage and support your young one to indulge in diverse careers through training. The Technical and Vocational education and training (TVET) and the Science, technology, Engineering and Math's training for teens and adolescents are some of the platforms where your child can learn extra skills to add to what they normally learn in school. This article provides information that will help you understand more about TVET and STEM training for teens and adolescents.
One of the things that you must know is that there are many organizations that provide TVET and STEM training programs. If you have never heard about it, it is very much possible to imagine that these training programs are far beyond your reach. Surprisingly, it is possible that there is an organization offering these training within your locality. What you need to do therefore is to search online or ask among some knowledgeable persons for any leads to the best organizations around you where you can enroll your child to. You also do not have to worry about the cost of these training programs as most organizations charge very little and others even provide them for free and only depend on sponsorship from well-wishers.
The other thing about TVET and STEM training is that individuals of all genders can benefit. Most people normally wrongly believe that these programs are only for boys and young men. What you need to understand is that even young girls can benefit from this training. There are usually different areas and the one your child enrolls in depends on their area of interest. For instance, your child is not bound to enroll in the machinist program if their interest is in HVAC.
TVET and STEM training for teens and adolescents if also beneficial in so many ways. It helps learners to spend their time and energy in a constructive way. Learners are also usually able to put into practice some of the things that they learn in theory at school and therefore they can gain a deeper understanding of the hands-on experience that they get. These training programs can also help your child to discover their interest and gain clarity of the career path that they would like to follow. TVET and STEM training also impacts positively on the social life of teens and young adults because they get to interact with new peers from whom they can learn a lot. In some cases like apprenticeship training which tale place in an employer's premises, the learner could earn some wages throughout the training program depending on the terms of the contract.