Getting to Know Blue Weimaraners
Are you looking for the perfect pet dog? If so, you might as well take a look at some of the friendliest and most ecstatic breeds such as the Blue Weimaraners. The Blue Weimaraners are the true definition of a man's best friend because they are among the friendliest breed there is even though they are originally bred for hunting. However, they can be extremely sweet to their humans and incredibly ecstatic about everything. Most people can never see these traits from this breed because these dogs can appear graceful and royal but that is mainly because of their mysterious face and body structure. But behind the poise of the Blue Weimaraners is the kind of sweetness every dog lover wants from their furry friend.
Because of their size and physique, Blue Weimaraners make the perfect guard dogs for your home. They can reach up to 27 inches in height and their slender figure can make them appear brawny and tough. However, what's more, mystical about this breed is their light-colored eyes and fur that can range to ash gray to deep black. This breed can also sport a cute look with its droopy ears and long snout but they are widely known for their long legs. If you are looking for the most beautiful dog with the most unforgiving physical features, you are making the right choice with a Blue Weimaraner.
You can also make sure that raising a Blue Weimaraner will never be a tough challenge for you because even though these dogs are graceful and well-poised, they are surprisingly low maintenance. They don't need a lot of grooming because of their short fur so constant brushing and a bath at least once a week would be enough for them. They can also go well with any diet that you feed them. For puppies below three months old, it is best to feed them with the right milk formula most especially when separated from their nursing moms. However, after three months, you can start introducing wet food and dog food soaked in hot water or milk to help them adjust to eating solids.
While your Blue Weimaraners are growing older, they can be extremely playful most especially to people and other dogs whom they are already comfortable with. Therefore, it is also important to provide them with clean drinking water all the time. That way, they can always quench their thirst whenever they need a drink. You can also train a few tricks to your Blue Weimaraner as they can also be extremely intelligent and they hardly forget routines and new lessons. For instance, you can train them to sit, behave, fetch you the daily paper and hand you stick when you play fetch. However, they can also behave when you train them to respond to certain words or hand signs.
When around guests or people whom they don't know, Blue Weimaraners can easily put on an act. That means that they are harmless most especially if your house is prone to visitors most especially kids. However, when they sense something from malicious people, they can get extremely protective of their territory and their home, making them the perfect guard dog.