How to Use Your Electric Smoker for Best Results
There are different varieties of smokers today, but the most widely used are clearly electric smokers. If you own one, then you can smoke virtually all food items quickly and conveniently. But the secret to preparing well-smoked food is knowing the proper use of your electric smoker.
Essential Components
As you buy an electric smoker, you might be tempted to start smoking meat ASAP. But unless you have at least basic smoker knowledge, you could be headed for a disaster. Start by learning each part and how it functions.
Also take a look at the the manufacturer's manual and read even the smallest details. Understand the working principle of the machine and follow each safety instruction to the letter.
Seasoning the Smoker
Before putting your brand new electric smoker to use, be sure to season it first. Begin by brushing some vegetable oil onto the top, racks and sides.
Any inexpensive vegetable oil is good enough (don't waste your pricey extra virgin olive oil for this purpose). Keep the oil away from the electrical components. Next, switch on the smoker and leave it for 3-4 hours.
You can as well throw in some wood chips inside the provided compartment. By seasoning the electric smoker beforehand, you can get rid of any unpleasant odors as well as help prevent rusting.
Smoking Prep
Successful smoking requires proper preparation of the food to be smoked. For instance, if you intend to smoke some meat and fish, it must be completely thawed first before you put them in the smoker. Else, the flavor will be compromised. Brining or marinating is also a good way to ensure a good smoky flavor.
Electric Smoker Preparation
As soon as your smoker has been seasoned, you can now prepare it for smoking. Every smoker has a water pan that works by regulating the temperature of the grill.
To keep the grill from overheating , you need to watch the level of water in this pan. Never let the water fully dry up fully or your food will be overcooked and over-smoked, which means it won't taste as great.
An electric smoker is truly one of the most convenient pieces of equipment you can have, allowing you to enjoy smoky food without the usual rigors of traditional smoking. The moment you purchase a smoker for you home, read the manual so you know exactly how to use it well. You don't only want the best-tasting smoked food, but also a smoker that will give you great results for many long years. Besides, this machine will probably cost you some, so make it work for you as best and long it could.