Things to Consider When Purchasing Drum Cages
Drum cages have become a common way of reducing sounds produced by the drum sets while on stage. They provide a means for people to enjoy music, especially in churches during the worshipping period and provide tranquility in terms of the sounds produced. During celebrations such as Christmas, softer sounds are more preferred, especially in small venues. When mixing drum sounds, it is challenging to control sounds produced by the drum sets since they overpower every other instrument, especially in smaller rooms where people want to feel each instrument. In order to solve this problem, drum enclosures are preferred for audio mixing and overall noise levels. Here are a few things to consider when you want to decide on the type of drum cage you want to buy.
The type of drum cage is an important element to look out for whenever you need to purchase a drum cage. Drum cages come in the form of two types. The first type is used in large stages, and it prevents or dampens the sound produced from the drum set to reach the crowd. It also keeps the drum volume down while on stage, providing good sounds that are not irritating both at the stage and to the crowd. The second type is used in smaller stages and completely enclosed, just like a cage. The drum sound is dampened, leading to volume reduction. The sounds are then incorporated into the audio mixing providing good music quality during the worshipping session.
The cost involved in purchasing the drum cage. Drum cages come at different prices depending on the version and where it is being used. Cost should be considered so as not to go over the budget set. The best drum cage should be the one that serves the purpose you intended it for when it comes to sound. In order to cut the cost even further, there are some of the do it yourself drum cages one can build and have the same effect as those of the ready-made cages.
Check the durability of drum cages being purchased. Unlike other gadgets, drum sets are durable depending on the materials used, and this implies that they can be used for years and years without degrading. This is one factor that makes drum cages more favored compared to other techniques of sound reduction at the stage. Since they are durable, it is important they are placed in the right areas in order to improve sound quality.
Drum cages provide an avenue where the band is carried rhythmically and sonically while an individual is singing or performing on stage. They improve the sound quality to a greater extent, which in turn elevates the church worshipping and reduces discomfort brought to the audience through the overbearing drum set sounds. Purchasing the right enclosure depends on the budget, type, and durability of the cage itself. These factors are important when making any purchase decision regarding drum cages. The sound engineer and singers have a great moment whenever the use of drum cages is in place.