Everything You Need to Know About Vedic Astrology
What is Vedic astrology?
Vedic astrology also is known as "Jyotish." The science of light is the meaning of Jyotish. Vedic science comes from the word Vedas. Vedas is known to be one of the oldest spiritual scriptures in India. Vedic science was revealed around 1,500-2,000 BCE to the sages of India. Maharishi Parashara is known to be a great sage in India and is very influential. The Brihat Hora Sastra has a number of translations and is the most used literature. Parashara is one of the eighteen great sages and is considered to be the most popular sage until today. The principles of Parashara are mostly outlined.
Astrology is one of the parts of Vedas. This is considered to be the eye of Vedas since it allows us to clearly look into our lives. Vedic science this is the science of knowing oneself. You will be able to know a lot with self-realization. Vedic science allows you to have self-realization of the divine spirit that is within everything and unites and connects to the spirit. We are enlightened through the process of self-realization. The great sages studied Vedic astrology in order for people to be enlightened through self-realization.
David Frawley is known to be one of the great Vedic astrologers that change the name of Hindu astrology or Indian astrology to Vedic astrology. In Vedic astrology, the planets are also known as the "karmas" of our soul. The center of this Vedic astrology is based on the doctrine about karma and reincarnation.
What is Karma?
Karma is the debits or past due credit in our lives. This is the result of our consequences may it be bad or good. The bad and good consequences of the things that we did. There are things that are done to balance karmic movements. These planetary remedial measures are used to lessen the difficulty, balance karmic movements and reduce suffering. This is done even if it is impossible since it benefits the growth of the person. There are different kinds of planetary remedial measures such as chanting different mantras, drinking of ayurvedic medicines, wearing if different kinds of gemstones, yoga, and practicing of complete meditation. Here is an example, when a planet is in distress, you will need to chant a mantra or wear the right gemstone in order for the karmic movement to change. If you wear the wrong gemstone you can bring harm to yourself. You need a Vedic astrologer also known as a Jyotishi to assess the situation and the necessary remedial measure. There is a Vedic chart.
Vedic astrologers also knew as Jyotishi are professionals that are experts in providing different necessary remedial measures and provide accurate and precise predictions. They have spiritual knowledge. There are a lot of Vedic astrologers all over the world.
To learn more about Vedic astrology you can visit the website of Jyotishascience. They will properly explain everything you need to know about Vedic astrology. They have a number of experienced Vedic astrologers.